Enjoy your Sunday! We just had bacon and eggs and are still lazing around sipping on cups of tea. I suppose the dishes and washing need to be done at some stage....
Love you!
Snacks I enjoy The shorter list would have been snacks I don't enjoy LOL My fave snack at the moment is french toast. If the world only had one food and it was french toast, I would be happy. Well, for a little while!
Things I would do if I were a millionaire HONEYMOON!!!!!!!!!! buy a house in Ballina near mumsy and dadsy, pay off all my brothers and sisters debts, buy a flash car and ummmmm world peace (LOL thought I should say something 'worthy')
Places I have lived Wingham, Old Bar, Taree, Lismore, Canberra, Hughenden, Mitchell and Mundubbera. I think thats it!
Thanks for stopping by! Sam and I have a Little Rd Riding Hood costume to make today....hmmm, never sewn a hood before!!!!!
Have a great day!
70 As a 1930s wife, I am http://www.magatsu.net/maritaltest/">Take the test! |
Loving the crackle paint!!!! I think I need some more colours....
And another Charli funny...She was chatting to Mick last night about mobile phones (yes, one of the kids in her class has a mobile phone *sigh) and wondering if he had one when he was a little boy. She was horrified when he told her that mobile phones weren't invented then and asked "Where you a little kid in 19 - olden days???" LOL
Poor old Nat found out some sad news over the weekend. Her bestie Perinne is moving at the end of the year. Nat is devastated. She really loves Perinne, and school has been made so easy for her just by having such a good friend. My heart is breaking for her, but there isn't a lot I can do...I so wish I could protect my babies from everything sad and nasty. Sending them to school is just plain scary.
Have a great week! Sam and I are baking a cake today and then going to play 'Robot Dinosaurs' GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (That was my best robot dinosaur roar!)
Love you!
I love pink..it makes me happy...I am trying to sneak more into my house. This weeks sneaky pink addition was table serviettes:-)
Oh my gosh...I LOVE parcels in the post, especially pizza box ones, cause it means there are such yummy scummy goodies inside!
I loved Friends when it first came out, and I am loving watching it all over again now they are showing the re runs. Every night Mick lets me watch the nightly episode while he brushes the kids teeth and washes the dinner dishes (and cleans the kitchen) This truly is a FAVOURITE!!!!! I really do have a fabulous husband!