Monday, April 7, 2008

First Day Of Holidays!

I just love the school Holidays:-) Sucker for punishment??? It feels like 'old times'. All my babies here with me, not having to rush to get anywhere. Ah well, it is only day one, plenty of time for it all to change!

I just love how my kids look and smell (!? strange I know) in the mornings. They are all tousled and gorgeous. The pic is of Nat and Super Kitty first thing this morning.

Mick hates the new cat *heh*. I think it may be the way kitty arrived...I had worked full time all Christmas holidays, and Mick had the kids. One Wednesday he had to travel away for work, so I had the day at home with the kids. We were bored and went down to the shops for milk. We saw a sign advertising kittens, and well, I just couldn't resist.

I think Super Kitty (named by Sammy) is gorgeous. He has so much personality and he is just plain cool. The kids love having a pet again. Nat is a real animal person, and the deciding factor for me getting him was the morning we got the cat I found Nat down in the back yard lying on the lawn snuggling our next door neighbours poodle:-)

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