Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday is park day!

And it was such a great morning to go. It is just gorgeous out in the sun! Sam was in his element as all his 'besties' were there. I love watching them all play together, we have managed to meet some really LOVELY kids his age...and the bonus??? Their mums are fabulous too! So park morning is fun for Mum and Sam:-)

My next challenge for the comp involved some hand made embellishments. I decided to try some Fimo clay...OMG I was having 80's flashbacks ALL day long. Anyone else remember those lovely necklaces of gum leaves and flowers made from Fimo???? I can see why they were huge though, it is the best fun to play with!

I did manage to burn the yellow a little, but I hate yellow anyways and the mustardy colour that it turned into was MUCH nicer IMHO!!
So...its a cat and a paw print:-)

I also used the cat itself as a stamp LOL. I was sitting at my desk wishing I had a paw print stamp when inspiration struck...I could just go to the source! Forget stamps! LOL Luckily he was co operative, and I gave him a yummy treat afterwards and cleaned his paws;-)

So, I am running Guides today *sigh*. We are going to do some cooking and some games and I might look for some colouring ins or something...I am so NOT being roped into being the leader for keeps though! Look at me..I have my serious face on!

So, have a great day. I shall return to update with how guides went!!!
Love you!

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