Monday, October 27, 2008

Not me Monday!

I didn't have to pay my eldest daughter $2 this morning to get a photo of her before she left for school... If I had of paid her $2 it would have stopped this sort of stuff...

I didn't stay safely upstairs yesterday whilst this hose wielding maniac watered the children...ooops, I think I meant plants...

I didn't then suddenly realise that this was a perfect opportunity to use my big long lens! Nope, a good mother would have gone and defended her chicks from the hose wielding maniac!

I didn't just look at my dining table and use the vaccum cleaner to clean the top. Nup, that would be way gross.
I didn't let the girls walk themselves up to the classroom this morning - with advice ringing in their ears like "hold your bags over your heads" and "walk together, they don't like attacking groups" - because I am frightened of the swooping magpie... Nope. Good mothers get out of the car and throw themselves in front of the swooping magpies...
I really kind of suck some times!!!!


Jayne said...

Your kiddies look like they are having sooo much fun!!! Oh and I have never used the vaccum cleaner to clean the top of my table either :)

Lauren said...

Don't worry - they all sound like the sort of things I would never do either!!

Anonymous said...

YOur kids are so cute! Two girls and a boy, just like mine!:) I enjoyed reading about them on your sidebar!

Kerryn said...

YOU ARE A CRACKUP!!! LOL I love it. Don't they look like they are having an absolute ball getting soaked to the bone!

Chloe said...

LOL! The sad truth is that we all kinda suck most of the time! But we love our kids and that's all that matters!

BTW, I have never used the vacuum cleaner to clean the table and I have NEVER used it to get the sand out of my bed sheets! LOL!

Shanan Strange said...

Oh, I loved those pictures. Looks like they are happy kiddos!