Friday, April 24, 2009

Five Faves for Friday!

Whew, another week!

#1 Yoville on Facebook. I am woefully and ashamedly addicted to this stupid game. I have been working on my apartment and even considered setting my alarm for 2am to send my character to work (you can only go to work every 6 hours) P.S...I need crew.

#2 My pearl earrings :) Love them...I forget to change my earrings 90% of the time. This week however I actually remembered and it felt nice to pop them on!

#3 oh man...Marley and Me.
SUCH a good movie!

My fave part wasn't even the puppy and the whole relationship between the dog and its owners...I actually really liked how 'real' things were in the family and the marriage. I liked that things weren't always sunshine and roses, but they stuck it out.
Just a lovely lovely movie:)

#4 Chai latte. mmmmmmmm
My sis has been making me the YUMMIEST chai latte's. So good:)

#5 is flat out my all time favourite thing.
My sister visiting for the past week.
It has been awesome. So relaxing and lovely to just spend time hanging out together and (far too much eating LOL) chatting. I will be SO sad to say goodbye to her when she goes home tomorrow!!!
Thats mine..what are yours?
Have a great weekend!


Tiff Firth said...

Hiya Kirst.
thanks a bunch for putting me on your blogs I love list. so flattered. mwah.

and my friday faves.
1. school holidays.
2. love my kids to bits.
3. scrap
4. scrap
5. yay its raining. great timing for the farming business. so am very happy about that one.

have a great weekend.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Great favs!

I love my pearl earrings! I wear them every day!

Chai favorite morning beverage!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jill said...

I can't watch Marley and Me :(

I can't bring myself to do it!

I love pearls... so pretty!