Yeah yeah...I know...Can't this woman get ANYTHING right?!?! Well yes, technically its still Thursday...but such is my commitment to the 'faves', I am posting early.
This weekend is a big one for the Piper family! We are finally retiring the old family truckster, and getting a 'new' car (new to us, not
new new) Not sure what we are getting we shall just go to Brisbane and see what takes our fancy...maybe a Mini??? LOL
#1 this week is Kung Fu Pandas! Sam and I watch this at least every second day. Sometimes every day, sometimes twice a day. My fave line..."there is no charge for awesomeness...or attractiveness" Must admit that gets said a fair bit around here;-) But, we will admit that we are fickle in our movie love. Kung Fun Pandas is just s stop gap until we get our hands on High School Musical 3. Oh yeah baby!

#2 My air conditioner. Oh how I love thee...I could write a whole post on the seemingly indecent love I have for my Air con...but I won't bore you. It has been hot here. Damn hot. And it seems that if I turn on the Air Con at night it solves the whole "can't sleep without Mick here" thing.

#3 I love that I can get my groceries in a brown paper bag. So much prettier than plastic. Admittedly its not often I get these, cause I try to always take my green bags...but every now and then I get one, and I like it!

#4 is gross...avert your eyes if you have a weak stomach. I am loving cold tinned spaghetti from a tin. God bless Mr Heinz. He was a genius!

#5 the girls and I are trying to shake things up a little with their hair do's. These pics are today's effort. I have forgotten to take pics of all the other days...but they were cool too! Trust me!

So....hook me up to your faves...I'd love to see what made you smile this week:-)
See you soon...with our new car! (fingers crossed)
How exciting a new car!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!!
So love the brown paper shopping bags,wish we could get those here cause I'm always forgetting our green bags!!
Not long to Christmas can't wait to see you all!
nothing wrong w/ tinned spaghetti... i love my chef boyardee. but it has to be heated up you sick woman :P
OMG! Check out those hairstyles! Seems you are as creative with your kids' hair as you are with your scrapping! HEHEHE!
WOOT WOOOT!! A new car! that is awesome! I cant wait to see what you get :)
I am lovin the hairstyles. You are much better at it than I. I can't even do a french braid. LAME huh!
drop by the blog and let me know what kind of car you got ok!
cute hairdos...great work girls
First of all CONGRATS GIRL!! Wicked Princess Design Team!!! I gotta check them out!
Love your Faves....
I have to say that I have eaten cold spaghetti out of a can too...
Love the hair are so good at that!!
Good luck finding your new car!!
Have a great weekend...!!
Joanie :)
I really like your new Blog...!!
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