And again...on a Friday!
#1 "...Whiskers on kittens..." Its ounds very Sound Of Music - ish, but its so much fun having this little kitten in our home. I love how hie tummy gets so round and full after eating...he is almost as round as he is tall :-)

#2 This may be affetcted by the amount of snot in my head...I love my nose spray and lip gloss. Without these I would have been sick AND tired. I can't take cold and flu meds, so these are my life savers!

#3 again, maybe its my snot or my nose speaking...I has a VERY snore nose, I mentioned to dh that the roll of loo paper I was using felt like sandpaper...he came back after his walk and has some aloe vera tissues. Bliss!

#4 My Miele vaccum cleaner. Love it. I wanted a Dyson, but my baby brother talked me into one of these. I am so glad he did.

#5 MM Falala range. Mmmmm, so christmassy and good! I got two sheets of PP and some mini alphas in the mail today, and I wish that I had gotten more...

I also got my very first 'comissioning letter in the mail today! Scrapbooking Memories mag wants my LO for an upcoming issue! I hadn't said anything yet cause I kinda doubted it would ever happen...I know it could still change, but its photographed and 'comissioned' WOOT!
Let me know your faves!
Oh Kirsty I knew your LO would get into mags, they are amazing creations. Congrats!!!
Keep up the great work!
Congratulations Kirsty! I am so happy for you!
I am in love with the Falala range too! I already have a few of each pp, 2 packs of alphas, brads, ribbon, poinsettia flowers, and metal signage, plus I have 2 packs of journalling sticker thingys in the mail!!! I think I may have gone a bit overboard hey?! But it is such a gorgeous range! Have fun with your stash!!!
Congrats Kristy!!!
Your work is AMAZING!!! Girl, you have so much talent!!!
Your baby kitty is sooooo very adorable..
Feel better soon..I guess its that time of year for colds...
Have a great weekend..and Rest!! :)
Girl we both must have been battling the flu from hell! Who knew that tissues could be lifesavers huh!
ANd look at you in the FINALS!! WOOO HOOOOO! huge congrats to you on making it so far :) your layout is GORGEOUS!
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Fantastic Kirsty. Congratulations. Look forward to seeing you in print :).
Congrats Kirsty! The layout is beautiful.
Hope you're feeling better soon. These viral things are getting meaner!
congants on the mag
did u see mine and sams smiley faces in the final encore this month ehehe does commissioning mean u get money.. cause u and i had a little "deal" about this.... gee i almost missed this if i hadnt read your blog... ps miele vacuums are awesome!..... the best :) love u
ps.. that comment was kim
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