Monday, October 27, 2008

My hero

My husband is pretty cool. When he isn't fighting fires or rescuing wildlife, he can be found with a chainsaw... This was taken when he went up to Mission Beach (a year ago?!?!) to help with the clean up following Cyclone Larry. Its pretty hot...I like that he can pretty much fix/do anything. Dunno about those ear muffs though...


Lauren said...

I have a hubby a bit like that too! A farmer can do/fix just about anything! Hot indeed!!

Kerryn said...

Good on hubby! Sounds like you have yourself a real life hero there!

Paige Hinrichs said...

Not sure how I found this blog, but I like it!

Now your husband comes off as exotic to me, for mine can't fix a thing (he's a book guy instead). You could make the earmuffs work. : )