#1 is summer fruit.Mmmmmm, the peaches, the nectarines, the water melon....*drool*
Oh, and cherries!!! YUM!

This motley crew will all be in my mum and dads garage on Christmas morning participating in the frenzy that is our present unwrapping!
How cool:-)
This is also the reason that my blog posts and Friday faves may be a little thin on the ground over the next few weeks, a worthy reason I think!
#3 Crap day. How can you not love something that is designed to de clutter and get rid of junk??? #4 My new fave perfume. Yes, I had a new fave perfume last week, but this is this weeks fave! Lovely by SJP. It is gorgeous.
And #5 is having him home!
Its lovely....
So, what are your faves this week???
My new furry clogs from hubby.. the huge box of Hershey's chocolates that hubby's work sent and wrapping presents! I don't know why, but I love doing that.
Have a great time away. Cherish it all. Hope you guys have a merry chrissy and happy new year. And i hope Santa is especially good to you.
Travel safely too!
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