I had a whole 6 hours on my own. The girls were at school and Sam went to day care. Mick was painting, so the house was mine. BLISS! I have Sammy booked into daycare on Tuesdays now, so I can get some study done. This may free up my weekends for some family activities which have been a bit thin on the ground lately.
I did finish off one page...love this pic of my baby brother on his wedding day. How happy does he look???

BG papers and chip stickers. A real quick and easy page.

Wish writing this darn essay was as quick and easy. I seem to have a real mental block this semester. Can't get myself motivated. Ah well, so far I am passing which is all i really need I guess!
Our house stinks of smoke today...stoopid oven fire. Maybe this is a sign from above to stop cooking?!? Yeah, maybe not...maybe its more a sign that i should keep an eye on whatever I am cooking and not get distracted by the computer...
And my hubby. The hunky fire fighter dude. Love him.
Thanks for stopping by:-)
Kirsty it worked!!! I took your advice and I can now leave a comment without entering passwords!! Yayyyyyyyy
I downloaded a free blog header from that website you gave me, and my blog is looking a tad snazzy now..LOL
Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it.
ohhh me again...I forgot to mention that I lurvvvvvvve the layout you did of your brother on his wedding day!! I'm gonna scraplift that one for sure!!
Absolutely stunning!!
All the best for the comp tomorrow, I'll be rooting for ya!!
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