You know how doors to the outside have a wood thingy down the bottom that stops the rain and bugs and junk? Well, we didn't have one. And every time it rains (
heh I said every time like its such a common thing!!
LOL) we have the same conversation about needing one of those door
This morning it was raining. And we had the conversation, AGAIN.
But today, after work Mick made one!
It took three lots of fittings, lots of swearing (
hah! love the new inventive combinations he comes up with when doing work!) and a fair bit of hammering, but we have one...

But the door won't close. Which kind of defeats the purpose of the door thingy.
I missed getting a good picture of Mick hammering and asked him to pose one for me. All I got was this look....

So, we still have no door thingy. But good news, the skies are clear, so looks like we are safe, until the rain comes again, and we have the conversation again...
Oh I just love the last photo Kirsty, lol
Go Mick you go and we continue to pray for rain...LO(L
Hey, my hubby has that same look! *LOL* So funny!
the look on micks face made me giggle...thanks lol
so like when dan is doing things
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